
This is the fisrt edition of the school "Topics in complex dynamics" at Universitat de Barcelona organized by the  group of holomorphic dynamics  (HoloDyn). The school is an activity of the Institut de Matemàtiques de la Universitat de Barcelona, IMUB.

The school consists of three courses of 4.5 hours each and short talks by participants. The courses are intended for graduate students or recent Ph.D’s, and cover important tools in complex dynamics, starting from an introductory level. The afternoons are reserved for student talks, where they may present their work, either finished or in progress. Everybody interested is welcome to attend.

For this 2005 edtion we are pleased to announce that the three main courses will be

Adam Epstein (Warwick University, UK): Infinitesimal Thurston Rigidity and the Fatou-Shishikura Inequality

Carsten Petersen (Roskilde University, Denmark): On the moduli spaces of attracting dynamics

Phil Rippon (The Open University, UK): The Escaping Set of a Transcendental Meromorphic Function