Advances in Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (Castro Urdiales, 2019)
Advances in Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (Tarragona, 2015)
Analysis of non-smooth dynamicsl systems (Bad Honnef, 1995)
Mathematical developments around Hilbert's 16th problem (Banff, 2007)
Workshop sobre Classical Problems on Planar Polynomial Vector Fields (Banff, 2008)
Bifurcations and Periodic Orbits of Vector Fields (Montreal, 1992)
Bifurcations in Differentiable Dynamics (Belgium, 1992)
Bodil Branner Fest (Denmark, 2003)
Dynamical Systems and Topology (Tossa 2008)
ECIT (Caldes de Malavella, 1987)
Families of polynomials vector fields on the plane (Paris, 2003)
Future Directions in Difference Equations (Vigo, 2011)
Workshop in Discrete Dynamical Systems (Girona, 2016)
Group meeting (Sant Fos de Campcentelles 2002)
Group meeting (Vallvidrera 2005)
III Oficina de Sistemas Dinâmicos (Goiania 2011)