Below we list some of the groups which we collaborate with. This list is not complete or exhaustive and the links may not be active.
Research Groups
- Barcelona UB Dynamical Systems Group (Barcelona, SPAIN) [www]
- Barcelona UPC Dynamical Systems Group (Barcelona, SPAIN) [www]
- Dynamical Systems Group (Warwick, UK) [www]
- Dynamical Systems Group at Hasselt University (Diepenbeek, BELGIUM) [www]
- Dynamical Systems group of UFG (Goiania, BRAZIL) [www]
- Espacios de Banach y Sistemas Dinámicos (Huelva, SPAIN) [www]
- Grup de Sistemes Dinàmics UIB (Illes Balears, SPAIN) [www]
- Grup de Sistemes Dinàmics UPC (Barcelona, SPAIN) [www]
- Grupo de Sistemas Dinámicos (Oviedo, SPAIN) [www]
- Grupo de Sistemas Dinâmicos da UNESP (Sâo José do Rio Preto, BRAZIL) [www]
- Research group on Differential Equations (Granada, SPAIN) [www]
- Seminari de Sistemes Dinàmics (Lleida, SPAIN) [www]
- Sistemas Dinàmicos (Murcia, SPAIN) [www]
- The Dynamical Systems Group At Boston University (Boston, USA) [www]